Fair Warning: This is going to be as unfiltered as I see myself getting online. These posts will not be revised as my thoughts and positions change, but rather serve as a record of where my current positions, activities, and proclivities come from.
Take them or leave them, here they come oh vast faceless audience of potentially anyone on earth.
On the horizon:
- Launch of Vermontivate’s Crowdfunding campaign. We are foolishly, but understandably going for the record of largest Vermont Crowdfunding campaign. Can’t win if you don’t play. So let’s play. This fool wants to win against climate change. .
- Lawrence Lessig’s TED talk was fantastic, but I think he misjudges the root of the problem. He correctly identifies a dichotomy as the issue, but instead of aiming at the split between between the people and “the funders” he should, and we all should, be looking at the split between elections and governance. My point is this, elections exert no binding influence over policy, and that is why the divide develops between power brokers and the public interest of the people. Luckily there is a pragmatic and workable solution that doesn’t require any statute (Lessig’s approach needs one) it needs a better name, but I call it Direct Representative Democracy. I’ll write more later this summer
- Gist: the metaphor of games. Paul and I came up with hilariously great this party card game, and it’s fantastic. It’s also monumentally disassociated from anything overly important, which is why I love it so much. It’s the loyal dog of my life’s little projects. No matter what kind of day I’ve had, it’s happy to see me, and it is a relaxing joy to play with. note that the website hosting gistgame.com is currently only serving vermontivate 🙂